It’s been a while since I last posted, let alone actually write, but this subject has been on my mind for some time now. A little more than a year ago I decided to leave Venezuela in the pursuit of a better life: independence, professional growth, security and overall happiness(?)
Now, the next step was finding a job that I really enjoyed doing, because if I was going to leave everything behind, I might as well hang on to something I loved, otherwise it’s just plain misery. Turns out I guessed right, but more on that later.
After searching for a while, a venture opportunity came up with a couple of friends in Mexico who decided to invest in/with me: a digital marketing agency with a huge prospect market. It was the birth of 7decode. I was to do everything I loved plus a couple of things that I didn’t love as much, but made me learn a great deal.
The first 3 months were great. Everything was new and exciting, new people, new challenges, new clothes. I enjoyed the fact that I was in complete control of my life, I was responsible for every single decision I made.
It was awesome, until it wasn’t… Come Christmas I started to really miss my family and friends. Yes, I had made some friends along the way, most of my friends had left Venezuela anyway and a couple that have been friends with me for over 6 years now moved next door, but for a minute there it wasn’t enough.
I started to wonder if it was all worth it and I think it’s really natural to come to this point. “What’s the purpose of what I’m doing?” “Where am I going with this?” Ultimately I realized I was going nowhere wanting the awesome things from my past to come back and I was missing the awesome things I had now. I had actually met amazing people that had been supporting me so much through this ride and was ignoring that because I wanted other things back.
My learning through all of this was: change is innevitable and if you’re going to make change happen for one reason or another, make sure it is what you really want, because you will be holding onto that for a while before you’re able to hold onto other things that make you really happy. Moreover, if you’re considering leaving everything behind to start off a new adventure, keep in mind it will be awesome and terrible at the same time and while those terrible times come, hold onto the things that make your everyday life awesome.
Categorías: Blog